The antioxidants/phytochemicals/spices/herbs thread

Denis Odinokov

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Catechin: Protective action towards glycation, tryptophan damage and lipid peroxidation [241].

Epicatechin: Protective action towards glycation, tryptophan damage and lipid peroxidation [241].

Epicatechin gallate: Protective action towards glycation, tryptophan damage and lipid peroxidation [241].

Epigallocatechin gallate: Trap methylglyoxal, prevent the formation of AGEs and generation of proinflammatory cytokines under hyperglycemic conditions [252].

Luteolin: Inhibit the formation of HbA1c at the early stage of glycation, inhibit the methylglyoxal induced protein modification at an intermediate stage and inhibit AGEs and protein crosslinks at the advanced stage of glycation. Luteolin protects lipoprotein against glycotoxin-mediated undesirable effects [241].

Kaempferol: Protective action towards glycation, tryptophan damage and lipid peroxidation. Protects the lipoprotein against glycotoxin-mediated adverse effects [241].

Quercetin: Trap methylglyoxal. Protective action towards glycation and tryptophan damage protects the lipoprotein against glycotoxin-mediated undesirable effects [244].

Rutin: Trap methylglyoxal. Protective action towards glycation and tryptophan damage, protects the lipoprotein against glycotoxin-mediated undesirable effects [254], [257].

7-Hydroxyflavone: Inhibits glycation, tryptophan degradation, glycation induced browning [242]

Hesperidin: Trap methylglyoxal, inhibits AGE formation [243].

Genistein: Trap methylglyoxal, inhibits AGE formation [245].

Procyanidins: Scavenge carbonyls and protect endothelial cells from AGE-induced apoptosis [250].

Naringenin: Inhibits glycation, tryptophan degradation, glycation induced browning, protects the lipoprotein against glycotoxin-mediated undesirable effects [242], [254].

Naringin: Protects the lipoprotein against glycotoxin-mediated adverse effects [254].

Engeletin: Inhibits the activity of aldose reductase and also inhibit AGE formation [181].

Astilbin: Inhibits the activity of aldose reductase and also inhibit AGE formation [181].

Silymarin: Exerts antioxidant with antiglycation activity and acts as a RAGE blocker [258].

Erigeroflavanone: Anti-glycation and anti-aldose reductase properties [259].

Butein: Block human Recombinant aldehyde reductase 2 and suppress the aggregation of AGEs [236].

Ferulic acid: Lowers plasma glucose and raises plasma insulin levels, inhibit oxidative protein damage and lipid peroxidation [266].

p-Methoxycinnamic acid: Lowers plasma glucose and raises plasma insulin levels [264].

Caffeic acid: Decreases plasma HbA1c, glycated urinary proteins, and CML [275].

Gallic acid: AGE inhibition, reduce AGE-induced cardiac remodeling [278].

Curcumin: Inhibit cross-linking, aggregation of skin collagen, function of sorbitol dehydrogenase and exerts radical scavenging activity [281].

Oleanolic acid: Lower blood glucose, body weight, support insulin signal transduction and helps to inhibit oxidative stress-induced hepatic insulin resistance [286].

Arjunolic acid: Prevents the formation of RNS, ROS, AGEs, HbA1C and oxidative stress [287].

β-Carotene: Inhibits AGEs and conformational modifications in BSA caused by thermal glycation [288].

Ursolic acid: Reduces hyperglycemia, glucose intake, hypercholesterolemia, and glucose influx [293].

Resveratrol: Inhibits AGE formation, protects from methylglyoxal induced oxidative damage, liver damage incurred by type 2 diabetes by lowering RAGE expression [312], [313].

Ellagic acid: Decreases plasma HbA1c, glycated urinary proteins, and CML. Traps carbonyl [275].

Sesamin: Inhibits NADPH-oxidase induced oxidative stress, reduce AGE-induced β-cell dysfunction and apoptosis [301].

May be an image of text that says 'Natural defence Glyoxalase system Human fructosamine-3-kinase Prevent attachment of sugar Synthetic inhibitors Inhibition of glycation Trap reactive carbonyls Amadori formation inhibitor Block crosslink formation Crosslink breaker Antioa property Natural inhibitors Metal chelation Trap reactive carbonyls Inhibit aldose reductase activity Prevents lipid peroxidation Lifestyle therapy Glycemic management Nutritional improvement'

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4Alex Moffett and 3 others

1 Comment



Piperine from pepper (combine with curcumin) OR with B vitamins for reducing AGEs

more powerful than most

Masala chai - Wikipedia this really has all the powerful spices (anise, cloves). Just do it sugar-free and in vegan form (alas most of it is NOT in these forms). I just had an interesting taste of them at the stalls in st. pancreas.