Insulin Sensitivity Is A Hallmark Of Longevity


Very interesting video. Thanks for posting!

Blood glucose is a great parameter to monitor. 1.5 hours after meals you commonly eat are a good way to learn about how your body reacts to the food you eat.

I have T1D and I’ve noticed that if I give myself the correct amount of insulin for a meal with a moderate amount of rice, my BG goes above 250.

Hopefully noninvasive Continuous Glucose Monitors will become widely available very soon. The next Apple and Samsung watches, coming later this year, are both rumored to have blood glucose monitoring through an optical sensor. Right now the current devices are by prescription only in the US and monitor blood through a filament inserted into the skin.

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I’m looking forward to that, as well. I do the finger stick 5 to 20 times a day. We need reduced regulation of these devices so that more sensors can be tried and iterations can be tested. Progress is being held back.

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